Matteo, only one thing to say to you. You have NEVER been to Morocco.
So do us all a favor, and shut your mouth as you have not the slightest idea
what you are talking about.
Mike Farmer
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matt River" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 10:57 PM
Subject: Re: RE: Fw: [meteorite-list] NWA meteorites - money for terrorism?

> I do not make no excuse, I say what task and enough. Sincerely I do
> not understand where goes to end all the money that these nomads take
> selling meteorites, inasmuch as I do not see no improvement care their
> life - they have bought a house, have improved their life? - I see
> always living to them equal, no improvement, therefore, where they
> go to end all the money earns from this persons? Care the Pelisson I doubt
> very
> that they must themselves be made publicity, inasmuch as well they are
> known in all Europe, probably not in the great America......
> Other issue is the extreme rivalry that the nomads have between of they,
> time makes Mr.Habibi had said that not sell to me any meteorite why its
> friend,
> than then has uncovered who was inasmuch as he was my supplier,
> had said to it that I never did not pay. Contacted
> my friend, for having explanations, this it has said to me that they
> were all used idiocys in order to carry the customers to others.
> Therefore, seen the situation, I can very well think about all care
> where he goes to end this money.....
> Io non faccio nessuna scusa, io dico quello che penso e basta.
> non capisco dove vada a finire tutto il denaro che questi nomadi prendono
> vendendo meteoriti, visto che non vedo nessun miglioramento riguardo la
> vita - hanno comprato una casa, hanno migliorato la loro vita? - io li
> sempre vivere uguale, nessun miglioramente, quindi, dove vanno a finire
> tutti i soldi guadagnati? Riguardo i Pelisson dubito molto che loro si
> debbano fare pubblicità, visto che sono bene conosciuti in tutta europa,
> probabilmente non nella grande America......
> Altra questione è l'estrema rivalità che i nomadi hanno tra di loro, tempo
> fa Mr.Habibi aveva detto che a me non vendeva nessuna meteorite perchè un
> altro suo amico, che poi ho scoperto chi era visto che era il mio
> gli aveva detto che io non pagavo mai. Contattato il mio amico, per avere
> spiegazioni, questo mi ha detto che erano tutte idiozie usate per portare
> via clienti ad altri. Quindi, vista la situazione, io posso benissimo
> pensare di tutto riguardo dove vada a finire questo denaro.....
> >To: "aziz habibi " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >CC:
> >Subject: Re: RE: Fw: [meteorite-list] NWA meteorites - money for
> >Date: Sun, 01 Feb 2004 22:19:11 +0000
> >
> >Habibi and friends in NWA,
> >
> >As a simple collector of meteorites with a lot of NWA material in my
> >collection, I want to say some things that support your efforts and
> >livelihood.
> >
> >First off, do not let the off-based comments of a few jealous dealers
> >the trust and good business practices you enjoy with the dealers you are
> >used
> >to working with. These comments made by the Pellisons and Matteo
> >are intended to upset the people in NWA, and to drive away collectors
> >myself. We are not that easily influenced or ignorant to the fact that
> >their
> >actual motives are to slow down your business, and to draw attention to
> >themselves in the hope of collectors like myself would want to buy from
> >them
> >instead. I would say there are very few, if any, that would fall for such
> >tactics, and in fact their comments only reinforce the notion that I do
> >not,
> >and will not buy from those who make such comments.
> >
> >The Pellisons as Norbert pointed out yesterday have used similar
> >on their website that pointed to the lack of documentation for NWA's as a
> >reason not to buy them. As if this lack of documentation made these finds
> >lesser meteorites. I have said this before and I'll say it again, it does
> >not
> >bother me that NWAs are not documented in great detail in all cases. I
> >it could be improved, but it certainly does not affect my thinking when
> >purchasing material. We know some of it is documented and that is good
> >those who want to look for more of the same material in a known location,
> >and
> >for those who want to understand the nature of desert finds and
> >strewnfields.
> >For me, the quantity and quality of material from NWA is excellent, and
> >your
> >folks have made it possible for both scientists and collectors to have a
> >full
> >assortment of material for their study and enjoyment. We as meteorite
> >enthusiasts have had our situation improved greatly by these NWA finds.
> >
> >Now this latest accusation by the Pellisons and supporting comments by
> >person, Matteo, while minor in number, are slander and a major injustice
> >the good people in NWA who work hard at finding these stones. Their
> >to you and others would be appropriate, but I doubt if they ever would do
> >it.
> >They are not that kind of people I'm afraid. If you can, forget about
> >and treat them as minor players in all this, because they are minor
> >players.
> >But remember them if and when they come to you and others in NWA looking
> >for
> >material, and be sure to turn them away empty handed. There are enough
> >other
> >dealers who will treat you more properly. You can always come to the list
> >for
> >support as your can see by the response of most who support the NWA
> >
> >These lies are not nice, but you can see that we think they have no truth
> >to
> >them. We will still be supporting the NWA market for years to come. Tell
> >your
> >friends to keep their chins up and continue their search of more.
> >
> >Best Regards to the people of NWA,
> >
> >John
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> > > hello list hell all
> > > all nwa will remember this day, my god what can people do to sell
> > > what happend to this wolrd, im sick of all this lies why all this what
> >do you
> > > want,
> > > thanks dean thanks to all who awserd this lies , you think that the
> >nomade do
> > > not read what is on the list , they
> > > go to archives and know everthing,
> > > my god , why all this lies  im so sick that im going to qiet
> > > i m tired of all the lies that people write on this list.
> > > im going to print this letter and give to nomade with the names of who
> >write it
> > > you lies abaout nwa and you lies abaout poor nomade and they are only
> >looking
> > > for eat,
> > > why you do not let the nomade in there peace and desert , fight if you
> >want but
> > > let  the poor nomade in peace
> > > what we cant hear this time
> > > its a shame,
> > > no and no its a shame
> > > who is this new loby againt nwa
> > > you know who will lost , with lies , no its all of us , this type
> >can
> > > make stoping all the stone geting out from
> > > nwa , and then nothing
> > > why all this , why
> > > why
> > > why
> > > its a shame
> > > damn , cam this people sleep with there consciense
> > > if they have consciense
> > > i m so sick that i cam write
> > > bye
> > >
> > >
> > > ------- Message d'origine ------- 
> > > De:  Bernhard \ Rendelius\  Rems  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2004 18:46:19 +0100
> > > Sujet: RE: Fw: [meteorite-list] NWA meteorites - money for terrorism?
> > >
> > > Ok, now Matteo has admitted that he is Matt River.
> > >
> > > Bernhard
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matt
> > > River
> > > Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 5:35 PM
> > > Subject: RE: Fw: [meteorite-list] NWA meteorites - money for
> > >
> > >
> > > Farmer.... what you make the double  game? You put the privat emails
> > > public? But like, to me you said not to make it and hour make it also
> > > you? I wants to say that you go badly if you make therefore. However,
> > > I come banned from this list hour, wants to say that it is not for
> >
> > > democratic inasmuch as I have not opened mouth and I not have
> > > put
> > > any public email to Farmer. If instead it will be made, I have an
> > > account,
> > > and then an other anchor, and an other...
> > >
> > > Farmer....cosa fai il doppio gioco? Metti le email private pubbliche?
> > >
> > > come, a me dicevi di non farlo e ora lo fai anche tu? Vuole dire che
> > > và
> > > male se fai così. Comunque, se vengo bannato da questa lista ora vuol
> > > dire
> > > che non è per nulla democratica visto che non ho aperto bocca mettendo
> > > nessuna email pubblica. Se invece sarà fatto, fatelo pure, tanto ho un
> > > altro
> > > account, e poi un altro ancora, e un altro...
> > >
> > > >From: "Michael Farmer"
> > > >To:
> > > >Subject: Fw: [meteorite-list] NWA meteorites - money for terrorism?
> > > >Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2004 07:31:44 -0700
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >----- Original Message -----
> > > >From: "M come Meteorite Meteorites"
> > > >To:
> > > >Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2004 12:01 AM
> > > >Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] NWA meteorites - money for terrorism?
> > > >
> > > >
> >
> > > > > We all  know it is Matteo, he is so stupid that he
> > > > > doesn't even know how to
> > > > > lie well.
> > > > > Mike Farmer
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > shhhhhh...go go to sale your fake new diogenite and
> > > > > new martian I hope the NWA market
> > > > > close, I want see after what you sold....
> > > > >
> > > > > =====
> > > > > M come Meteorite - Matteo Chinellato
> > > > > Via Triestina 126/A - 30030 - TESSERA, VENEZIA, ITALY
> > > > > Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > Sale Site: Collection Site:
> > > >
> > > > > International Meteorite Collectors Association #2140
> > > > > MSN Messanger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > > EBAY.COM:
> > > > >
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> > > > >
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> > > >
> > > >
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