Hi John and Stefan,
One piece of a pairing couldn't be missing a crust when another does?
This was a healthy "field" discusion worthy of this imformal list. It makes us all look at our rocks more closely. I was a fine working hypothesis- "Are these from the same fall?" With the conclusion- "First appearences can be deceiving."
Next time it may not be so. And sometime we need to challenge our classifications based on a second look. For example NWA1195. Or any howardite/eucrite based on which sample is submited.
John, the earthlings you past around  in Tuscon were inspiring. It may hve already helped to stop (or instigated?) a Dag476  fraud on ebay.
Thanks also to Stefan for some nice photos you sent me of similar looking pieces with wide varience in classification. Your private comments to market obfuscation in Moracco  were also enlightening.
Actually, these kinds of discussion are common in biology taxonomy. I.e. that fish/bird/flower sighting a new species, sub-species, or just a weird member of the population.  As new test are invented whole fields have changed back and forth.
Howard Wu
PS. Both Stefan's and Blaines matterial are aethetically wonderful worth having regardless.

Stefan and list members,

Stefan offered us NWA 3099 (L/LL3) last week that to me looked like the same material Blaine Reed was selling in Tucson. So I made the comparison and thought Blaine should know this.

Well, after trading pictures and messages with Stefan I believe I can now say I was WRONG! It turns out Stefan's material had a nice black fusion crust on it while Blaine's had no crust at all from what I could see. While they look similar and may even be from the same asteroid group...they are probably NOT paired from a desert find standpoint.

So if anyone has told Blaine what I previously said, then possibly they could followup with a comment that John D was full of crap...again.





Great stuff...I believe this material was for sale from Blaine Reed at Tucson as
an unclassified chondrite with the potential to be an LL3. I think Blaine was
going to follow through with it's classification. Someone should contact him and
let him know that this classified material exists.

Thanx for offer,


> Dear List,
> on my website I have listed some new classified meteorites. All these
> meteorites are unusual or rare types. A particularly special piece is
> the new L/LL3 NWA3099. The meteorite is built up from a conglomerate of
> chondrules and is very fresh and beautiful. I had offer some slices of
> NWA3099 at Ebay yesterday which were immediately sold. The total known
> weight of this L/LL3 is only 179 grams and the price is very reasonable.
> http://www.meteoriten.com/special.html
> And for all of you who look for fresh and rare meteorites for the price
> of ordinary NWA869-like material is this offer possibly interesting:
> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2224768512&category=3239
> I answer all enquiries and orders in the order of arriving. Please, have
> a little patience, if I don't immediately answer.
> Best regards,
> Stefan
> SR-Meteorite
> I.M.C.A. Member#3368
> Website url: http://www.meteoriten.com/
> Stefan Ralew
> Kunibertstrasse 29
> 12524 Berlin
> Germany
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