Hi Nick,

This might be too general for your needs, but it does highlight the big picture of 




----- Original Message -----
From: Nicholas Gessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, February 21, 2004 9:53 pm
Subject: [meteorite-list] Conservation of Meteorites

> Hello All,
> As a slight digression from a post on the "aims of the IMCA,"
> I'd like to initiate some discussion on meteorite conservation.
> I used to be a museum director/curator and conservator of 
> "conventional" 
> archaeological and ethnographic items.
> I know there has been some discussion on meteorite "conservation" 
> and I 
> wonder if anyone is gathering this information in one place?
> I may go down to the Getty Conservation Institute and see what they 
> have to 
> say.
> I know the Canadian Conservation Institute is quite active.
> But I don't think either of them have addressed the conservation of 
> met
eorites, at least not yet!
> Perhaps I should start an information page on the subject.
> What I would like to see are scientific papers on the pros and cons 
> of 
> various techniques.
> Especially important would be comparative tests of different 
> techniques.
> If anyone could forward citations on any relevant published papers, 
> I would 
> be pleased to put them on the Web.
> Best wishes,
> Nick
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