See what you started now John...:-)
Witness and finder of the main mass, W. Hodges report.
"Was going off the porch when the light went out.  Almost at once heard definite violent explosion from about 45' angle above and about 38' west of south from him. Second detonation fro 45' above horizon and slightly more east than north, perhaps two or three seconds after first.  Was first man to find hole.  Fixing fence and came to get a pole.  A week before the pasture had been burnt off and revealed pile of clay thrown by meteorite - immediately thought it was a piece of the meteorite. Round hole eight feet in diameter, depth of eight inches from surface, was vertical, and loose dirt tapered to funnel and bottom of hole of water and was two feet below of surface.  Got Joe Fletcher and took slender stake, punched straight down from middle seven or eight feet, found nothing.  Moved eighteen inches southwest and hit rock about eighteen or twenty inches down.  Gobs of dirt thrown fifty yards in all directions.  Nine feet to bottom or rock.  Big bump end or rock against west of southwest wall.  Shallowest rock lay about fifteen to twenty-four inches west of southwest of center of hole."
source: Find a Falling Star, (pg. 39-40) Harvey  Nininger.
Mark Bostick

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