Hi list.As we all know, this coming friday is the 1 year anniversary of
the PARK FOREST meteorite fall.I cannot believe that it has almost been a
year.If the weather is good, I will be down there next saturday to look
around if possible.If the weather is nice, anyone who wants can join me
and we could do some looking over in OLYMPIA FIELDS.I still believe that
is unclaimed area.No telling what may be in that area.And it coincides
with the proposed trajectory of the way it fell,southeast to northwest.Let
me know if you can make it.I think it will be a good time to see what we
have learned in the year gone by.Anyone who found any, we can share our
places as to where we found our individual pieces.I will give the times I
will be going and my cell # as the next weekend comes by.I hope to hear
from some people.This is an event that will soon not disappear:)

                             steve arnold, chicago, usa!!


Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 
I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728 
Illinois Meteorites 
website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

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