Mark A. Massey asked:
Sat, 20 Mar 2004 23:07:53 -0800 (PST) 

>I was wondering if anybody may have some good 
>information regarding Wells Creek,TN?.  

Tiedemann, Herbert A., 1997, The Wells Creek 
Structure, Tennessee ; from heaven or hell? In 
Ames structure in northwest Oklahoma and similar 
features; origin and petroleum production (1995 
symposium, Kenneth S. Johnson and Jock A. 
Campbell, eds., pp. 265-271. Oklahoma 
Geological Survey Circular, vol. 100.

The abstract to this article stated:
"The Wells Creek structure in northwestern middle 
Tennessee is an anomalous geologic feature whose 
origin has been the subject of speculation since 
its discovery. Detailed mapping of Wells Creek by
geologists at Vanderbilt University revealed a 
circular structure, 8 mi in diameter, with a 
brecciated Lower Ordovician central core
surrounded by concentric horst-and-graben rings 
of Lower Mississippian strata. The dominant 
relative movements in Wells Creek were 
downdropping of the grabens, uplift of the central
block, and lateral offset along radial faults. 
Wells Creek is generally considered to be due to 
a meteorite impact because of its typical impact 
structure and the presence of shatter cones. The 
buried Ames structure in Major County, Oklahoma, 
another feature with typical impact structure, 
lacks shatter cones, but contains shocked quartz 
and has granite basement involved in the 
structure. I consider Ames and Wells Creek similar 
enough in size and structural elements--central 
uplift, horst-and-graben zones, radial faulting, 
and brecciation--to warrant considering Wells 
Creek as a structural model for Ames."

Other articles:

Stearns, R. G. Wilson, C. W., Jr., Tiedemann, 
H. A., Wilcox,  J. T. and Marsh,  P. S. 1968b,
The Wells Creek structure , Tennessee. In 
Shock metamorphism of Natural Materials, B.M. 
French and N. M. Short, eds., pp. 323-338, 1st 
Conference, Greenbelt, Md., 1966, Proceedings, 
Mono Book Corp, Baltimore, Md.

Wilson, C. W., Jr., Sterns, R. G., Tiedemann, 
H. A., Wilcox, J. T., and Marsh, P. S., 1968a, 
Geology of the Wells Creek structure , Tennessee 
Tennessee, Division of Geology Bulletin no. 68. 
Tennessee Department of Conservation, Division 
of Geology, Nashville, Tennessee. 236 pp.  

A webpage with lots of citations is:

Wells Creek

>Also, I was just going to ask if anybody has info 
>regarding Carolina Bays?. Thanks in advance.  
>What a great website!!!.

An excellent reference on Carolina Bays is:

May, J. H. and Warne, A. G., 1999, Hydrogeologic 
and Geochemical Factors Required for the 
Development of Carolina Bays Along the Atlantic 
and Gulf of Mexico, Coastal Plain,USA. 
Environmental & Engineering Geoscience. vol. V, 
no. 3, pp. 261-270. (Fall 1999)

They argue that "Carolina Bays" found within the 
coastal plains of the Atlantic Coastal Plain and 
the Gulf coastal plain of Mississippi and Alabama 
are siliclastic karst. (Yes, there are "Carolina 
Bays" along the Gulf of Mexico coastal plain.)

In part, the abstract reads:

"More than 60 years of intense study and debate 
have yet to resolve the origin of the Carolina 
Bays. Carolina Bays are circular to elliptical 
depressions located along the Gulf of Mexico and 
Atlantic Coastal Plains. Proposed processes of 
initiation and development of these karst-like 
features include meteorite impacts, substrate 
dissolution, wind, ice, marine waves and currents. 
Based on field studies throughout the Atlantic and 
Gulf Coastal Plains and on review of coastal plain 
literature, we propose that Carolina Bays 
initially developed as silica-karst features."


"Localized infiltration of phreatic water induced 
extensive desilicification of the sandy and clayey 
substrates, resulting in volume loss and development
of karst-like depressions. 
Particularly relevant to initial bay development 
was alteration of kaolinite to gibbsite, which can 
produce a 34-percent loss in clay material volume, 
and concurrent dissolution of iron oxide. The 
initial silica-karst depressions along the 
Atlantic and Gulf coasts were later modified by 
eolian and, perhaps, ice-push processes, which 
enhanced their elliptical form."


"Silica-karst features, similar to Carolina Bays 
in their initial stages of development, are common 
geologic features. Moreover, silica-karst 
processes are active today in warm temperate, 
subtropical, and tropical areas in sandy 
substrates where ground-water levels are well below
the ground surface and can cause subsidence 
or disrupt developing wetlands."

They argue that the development of Carolina Bays 
occurred during "...Pleistocene sea-level 
lowstands, water tables in the Atlantic Coastal 
Plain were up to 30 m lower than today..." and
that they are currently relict, inactive 

Other citations about siliclastic karst are:

Isphording, W. C., 1996, Siliclastic karst 
development on Citronelle Formation sediments, 
Southeastern United States (Alabama-Mississippi). 
Geological Society of America Abstract with 
Programs. vol. 28, no. 2, p. 17. 

Isphording, W. C. and Flowers, G. C., 1988, Karst 
development in coastal plain sands; a "new" 
problem in foundation engineering. Bulletin of 
the Association of Engineering Geologists. vol. 
25, no. 1, pp. 95-104.

Some other references:

Brooks, M. J., Taylor, B. E. and Grant, J. A., 
1996, Carolina bays and Holocene landscape 
evolution on the Upper Coastal Plain of South 
Carolina. Geoarchaeology. vol. 11, pp. 481-504 

Brooks, M. J., Taylor, B. E., Stone, P. A., and 
Gardner, L. A., 2001, Pleistocene encroachment 
of the Wateree River Sand Sheet into Big Bay on 
the middle coastal plain of South Carolina. 
Southeastern Geology. vol. 40, no. 4., 
pp, 241-257. 

Grant, J. A., Brooks, M. J., and Taylor, B.E. 
1998, New constraints on the evolution of Carolina 
bays from ground-penetrating radar. Geomorphology. 
vol. 22, pp. 325-345.

Also, people might be interested in looking at: 
William at:

Some web pages;

Early Hunter-Gatherer Use of Carolina Bays by
Mark J. Brooks and Barbara E. Taylor at: 

"Age and Climatic Correlates of Carolina Bays 
and Inland Dunes of the South Atlantic Coastal 
Plain: New Data" at


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