Adam, simple, if it is found on Government land, the law says turn it in.
----- Original Message -----
From: Adam Hupe
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] The "Old Woman" Meteorite, updates III, IV, and V ;-)

Dear List,
We are looking for some advice.  Say a pairing was found to the Old Woman iron meteorite.  What would be the best course of action?
1.) Donate it to the BLM Desert Discovery Center.
2.) Donate it to the Smithsonian.
3.) Withhold it from the BLM.
4.) Try to prove a point by taking the BLM to court and risk loosing.
5.) Keep it and not say a word.
6.) Announce it the press and see what happens.
7.) None of the above.
All the best,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 4:30 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] The "Old Woman" Meteorite, updates III, IV, and V ;-)

A few times over the years I've posted bits and pieces regarding the saga of the "Old Woman", the wonderful large (2,750 kg!) IIAB iron meteorite from the mountains of San Bernardino County, which has had a colorful legal history, and which has mostly recently resided at the Desert Discovery Center in Barstow, CA.  
Every time I would drive through the Mojave desert to-or-from Las Vegas or wherever, I would stop and check up on it, usually speaking with either a very sweet, older woman or her son, the two of whom seemed to be single-handedly (and on an essentially volunteer-basis) trying to keep the Center afloat.  They both expressed unconcealed frustration at getting the cooperation, funding, and staffing necessary to keep the Center going.  A few visits ago, the woman had died, and her son's frustration level had greatly increased, to the point where he was pacing and muttering and seemed really quite agitated at the subject of dealing with (according to him) the bureaucracy and noncooperation of the BLM.  
On my next trip some months later, the Center's doors were padlocked, no operating hours were posted, and the surrounding area had clearly not even been swept up recently.  Looking through the glass, I could see that the meteorite was still within, but obviously no attention was being paid to the building.
In a pleasantly-surprising reversal, when I just stopped by yesterday afternoon, the Center was not only open, but the displays had been updated and spruced up considerably.  Schoolchildren's posters and drawings of the meteorite adorned the walls.  I wandered around for a while and never did run into anyone who appeared to be in charge of the premises, perhaps it was a moment when they were "in the back" at lunch or something.
So this is the view from an "outsider"....I'm wondering if anyone has any news from within, about the status of the building, the meteorite, or who's now running the show, regarding this California treasure. 
Bob V.?    (You've been the Old Woman "Answer-Man" for these posts in the past....;-)

J. Gregory Wilson
2118 Wilshire Blvd. #918
Santa Monica, CA 90403

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