Congratulations!  I didn't think anyone could successfully filled the pleasant void
 of Matteo's absence as you have. Just as the former, dogged every statement
 of Mr. Farmer,  you are extremely consistent at nipping every Hupe utterance.
But is is not just the Hupes. No one but yourself should be allowed
 to make any comment about Park Forest,  comic or otherwise.
They don't live there! How can they ever expect to know all the wonderful
 people of Park Forest like yourself?  Well good for you, just keep it up and maybe Art
 will notice and Art will  make those bad,  bad people just disappear. ( Poof!)
 I also like the fact that I can clearly understand your every bitter sentence. 
You should be very proud! 
Ken Newton
PS Why don't you ask everyone who is offended by Mark's
 cartoon to write you off list. ( Surely you will get an email! )
You can then send it to Mark as proof of his whatever it is that is so bad.

I'm still waiting Mark. You posted that garbage. I can't wait to hear your expanation unless you are like Hupe. I quote, "Not that I have to explain anything to you Bill." I also found it amusing that Adam was offended by the fact that Dean didn't spell his name right. Forbid all that should make such an error. The self proclaimed scientist godhead should not be blasphemed.

Bill Kieskowski



To celebrate the 1st birthday of the Park Forest meteorite, Bruce Bolinger and myself have created a Park Forest comic.

I have the comic protected on my website, but feel free to e-mail me for the image.

Mark Bostick

Wichita, Kansas....about 60 miles from the center of the United States.



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