Jeff K. wrote:

> I've been intrigued by Dean's new meteorite and just what
> its classification may be. I just posted a page yesterday
> to > my site which has another meteorite which looks just
> a little like this. It's NWA 1881 but has a miniscule TKW
> of about 10g and has been classified as a fairly rare LL4-6.

Quite a few persons are right now "brooding over" Dean's
new NWA pics wondering what it could be. I'm one of these,
I have been discussing it with several list members and I dare
say guesses are surely running wild :-)

Here are some of these guesses:

1) howardite
2) howardite paired with the Hupes' NWA 1929
3) eucrite, eucritic breccia - maybe paired with NWA 047
4) regolith breccia
5) lunar
6) LL4
7) LL4-6, maybe paired with NWA 1881
8) weakly magnetic LL6

Any further guesses or comments?

And while we are at it, let me fess up: I am also one those
who have been so very much intrigued by this new meteorite
that I fell for it and purchased a slice.

Hmmm, ... iIf I only knew for sure what it is. Any
constructive (!) comments very much appreciated.

Best Sunny
Sunday wishes,


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