Art wrote:

> spherical inclusion (~5/8 inch dia.) in it. Any ideas on what
> this inclusion may be? Do chondrules ever get this large?

Yes, Art they do - see below for some examples.

Best wishes,


BRIDGES J.C. et al. (1997) A survey of clasts and large chondrules in ordinary
chondrites (Meteoritics 32-3, 1997, 389-394) - Some examples of megachondrules:

Parnallee, LL3 - 3 mm
Bremervörde, H3 -  4 mm
Estacado, H6 -  7 mm and 10mm
Barratta, L4 -  8 mm
Belle Plaine, L6 -  9 mm
Bluff, L5  - 10 mm
Crumlin, L5  - 11 mm
Richardton, H5  - 11 mm
De Nova, L6  - 13 mm
Hajmah, L5-6 - 18 mm
Djati-Pengilon, H6 - 48 mm (ellipsoidal chondrule, List comm.: David Weir)

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