
From: Isotopic evidence for a single impact melting origin of the Sudbury
Igneous Complex, A.P. Dickin it al., "Based on the available isotopic and
geochemical data, it is suggested that the SIC resulted from a single impact
melting event that gave rise to the whole complex entirely from crustal
sources." IE: no bolide material survived the impact.

Hope this helps.


The carbon (soot) that was found in the crater and dated to the time of
impact was an enigma as there was no life on land 1.8 billion years ago at
the time of the Sudbury impact.

[hypothesis] A biogenic origin of the carbonaceous material (soot) found in
the black Whitewater Group is theoretically caused by the
evaporation/condensation from the hot impact fireball and/or from a later
global cloud.



PS: I will be publishing an article on my exploration trip through the
Sudbury Impact structure later in the spring.

> Message: 12
> Reply-To: "Roman Jirasek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: "Roman Jirasek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Dave Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Sudbury Onaping query
> Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 20:50:59 -0500
> Hi Dave
> I see you received no posts from the list yet.
> The Sudbury crater was introduced to me around 5 years ago. It's
> funny because some of local people living right in the crater do not know
> they are living in a crater. The visual area is very different than what I
> am used to, so I found the place quite intriguing.
> I probably have no real answers for you about your question, but I did
> find out that there are reports of extra-terrestrial carbons in the black
> onaping.
> That means something burned up that was NOT from Earth, agreed?
> I can also tell you that I have seen many kilos of cut slabs of onaping,
> some have glassy inclusions, others include highly magnetic areas. You
> get a large slab and roll a small 1/4" round earth magnet ball to find the
> attractions.
> Other than the beauty of the slices and the history, I really can't help
> you.
> Did you read this part of my site? It may help a bit more, but the author
> does not
> include references unfortunately!
>  http://www.meteoritelabels.com/Astrobleme.html
> Best regards,
> Roman Jirasek
> www.meteoritelabels.com
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dave Harris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "metlist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 2:46 PM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Sudbury Onaping query
> >     Hi,
> > this month's MAPS has an interesting article (not too technical for a
> > change!) on the The role of meteorite impact as a normal geological
> process
> > (Bevan French of the dept of mineral science at the Smithsonian).
> > Reading about  Onaping I was wondering if anyone knew whether or not
> > are any traces of meteoritic material in this suevite?
> >
> > thanks
> >
> > dave
> >
> > IMCA #0092
> >
> >

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