(Stuart Perry to Harvey Nininger letter, Perry's File copy)

January 21, 1951

Dear Nininger:

This is a tardy answer to your letter of January 9 regarding Dr. Neen. I talked with Prof. Carpenter and he was doubtful about the University sponsoring his lecture, but said his committee will meet in a few days and then he will write you.

My former assistant A. W. Herbenarshae made some more photos of the iron globules and writes me briefly that they show a very interesting martensitic structure, which would be consistent with the quick cooling of molten globules.

I am going to have him make some additional, and better, photos of the Peruvian iron, which contains some very unusual structural features. Herberar is now with a steel concern in Detroit, but he can give a little time occasionally. He is a top expert in photomicrography, and he knows more about the microstructure of meteoric iron than any man I can think of.

With best regards,


(Stuart Perry - name is missing as this is the file copy. The original sent to Nininger would have been signed by Perry)

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