(Stuart Perry to Harvey Nininger letter, Perry's File copy)

July 27, 1951


Dear Nininger:

Thanks for your letter of July 18, received yesterday, and the photos of the Peru iron -- especially for your very kind offer to give me a slice of it. The specimen ins in my cainet at home and I will sent it to you when I get back.

I shall be glad to join with you in a description of this very interesting iron, though we may not get the job finished very soon. I shall want considerable more photographic work done.

What about an analysis of the sawings? I can get it done at Washington very competently, or maybe there is some analyst that you would prefer.

Of course you get all photos -- two sets if you want them, as you no doubt will.

The photo of the spheroid at x500 is interesting and I will give it some study when I get home where the other spheroid photographs and data are. Whoever made the photo did well. But he did not indicate the etching, which is important.


With cordial regards,


(Stuant Perry - name is missing as this is the file copy. The original sent to Nininger would have been signed by Perry)

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