Hi List and Marco Langbroek,
This morning, on the 07h00 am news, I heard the portuguese TV RTP1 news reader talking about an intense bright light that was seen last night, Tuesday, 01 June/2004, after 11:00 PM (Lisbon time), by hundreds of people from several towns: Penafiel, Évora and the Algarve. The luminous object was described as "very bright, fast, leaving behind a trail of smoke and moving with no sound".
A "Civil Protection Unit" representative, as well as the Civil Aviation Authority, were both contacted by the TV station but they could not offer an explanation. An astronomer said that it could have been either a meteor or a satellite entering the Earth's atmosphere. Then followed the "usual story" of it being an UFO, etc.
This morning's local newspaper "CORREIO DA MANHÃ" 02/June/2004, has the following news about it, on its
back page:
My own translation from Portuguese to English:
"Phenomenon with no explanation
  Unknown Light
    A very intense, smoking light, of an unknown origin, was last night seen from several places in Portugal but local authorities do not have an answer to this phenomenon.
   The "Civil Protection Unit" received phonecalls from several places, from Penafiel, Vendas Novas, Évora or the Algarve. Also, the Portuguese Airforce confirmed this happening to Lusa (port. news agency), to have taken place around 23h15 (Lisbon time) but they do not have an explanation for it"
So far, no information has been given about its direction or its flight path.
Note that Lisbon time = London time. When  I have more news, will let you all know.
José Campos
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