(Stuart Perry to Harvey Nininger letter, Perry's File copy)

May 25, 1953

(In registered parcel with specimen)


Dear Harvey,

Here is the little iron that you asked for in your letter of May 20.

Answering your earlier letter of May 5, I have talked with Ed Henderson and he thinks he would like the three C.D. irons you mentioned -- with the proviso that you also send all the field notes regarding them, and also a sample of the "iron rain" droplets, enough for examination and analysis.

If that is satisfactory, you may send the material to his and I will pay you prices quoted, in all $436.50. Of course this material would be subject to his approval, as usual in such cases.

I am glad that Ed seems so interested in C.D., and especially specimens with definite data as to exact locations.

This has been a strenuous spring for me -- office affairs, including installing a photographic plant; making a will, which is a combination of an old will and two codicils, very long and troublesome; completing work on two new Album volumes; and, as the auction ads say, "other things too numerous to mention." I haven't (as yet) been committed to an institution, and I am glad of that -- and a bit surprised.

Warm regards to you and Mrs. Nininger.

(Stuart Perry - name is missing as this is the file copy. The original sent to Nininger would have been signed by Perry)

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