The point about the whole in the ice is a good, one although they had
been searching for many years.

To me the nickel content is the clue, surely you wouldn't get that ratio
of nickel 'accidentally'! modern furnace waste would have all sorts of
other metals in it including cobalt etc why would you have 30% Nickel?

My immediate thoughts after seeing the photos are - "yep, that's been
sand cast!"  and unless they under went considerable cleaning and
restoration, they haven't been under water for 44 years... and the shape
is not characteristic of erosion by rusting. 

Btw Does Shiro. Rust easily? Or would the high 30% Nickel 'per chance'
be enough to make it nice and stable. Hmm another coincidence! 

(The area around the reservoir is very industrial)


Mark Ford

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