Mike Farmer, I assure you that there are many more people who do not send messages to this as opposed to those that do.  I wasn't signed up for the list, I read everything via the message archives.  Your idiotic e-mail inspired me to join.  I was in the military, I did my service, not that that has anything to do with anything.  As far as Christian values, I haven't stepped foot in a church in over 25 years, but way to go Mike, your smart ass comment just cost your a few more customers I'm sure.  Take some time off Mike, go tell your Chris Matthew's story somewhere else.  You need to learn your place Mike, and that place isn't around decent, fair minded, meteorite collectors.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Farmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 2004 09:35:05 -0700
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Mike Farmer

WOW , this is what I was protesting against, myself and "my filthy brethren" tend to like the constitution of the United States and take advantage of it when we need to, people like yourself seem to think that it only supports your own way of thinking and everyone else can go to hell.
Now Martin, I have never heard of you, and in a search of the archives I can not find a single post you have made. Have you ever posted? Why are you voicing your opinion on this meteorite list of you have never provided one email, one comment, or participated in one discussion?
    "My Rants" are no more common than many others, now I do tend to speak my mind at times, I feel that people who never stand up for themselves are little more than cowards.
    If you buy your meteorites (which you have certainly never bought from me) based on political views, then more power to you. I feel your hatred in your email Martin, this must be part of the "Christian Values" that the Bush corner tends to espouse while breaking every tenant of the holy bible?
    We will see if a majority support Bush on November 3rd,  but I know where I hope we go.
By the way, Have you ever served in the armed forces Martin? I have, proudly during the first Gulf War. we "protesters" love our country so much, we will not blindly stumble like sheep to the Bush administration's terror alerts on a daily basis. I refuse to "be afraid" and vote my "fear" as we have been spoonfed the last three years.
Now, I agree that political discourse really does not belong on this list, I merely posted a small little blurb in order to see if this list was still alive. I am forced to sit through endless emails about everything under the sun other than meteorites, so adding one more topic is my right.
Again Martin,  since you seem to be a ghost who just reads and does not participate until now, perhaps you should continue to keep your mouth shut until you start providing some meteorite-related material for all to use?
Michael Farmer
----- Original Message -----
From: Martin Brody
Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2004 9:14 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Mike Farmer

Dear List and Mike Farmer,

      I have followed this list for years, via the message archives.  I have always tended to side with Mr. Farmer during his rants, which have been occurring more frequently.  I am totally disgusted that Farmer would use this list to spew his hatred of a man that the majority of Americans support.  Mike, you say your sales are off by over 30% from last year, and you want to blame President Bush?  Look in the mirror buddy.  Your ever increasing anti-social borderline psychotic behavior is to blame, NOT President Bush.  Evidently, your judgment is as bad as your spelling when it comes to being a business man.  Way to go, Mike, alienate over half of the collectors because you think you are some type of leader in the meteorite community and they will follow your warped and uniformed political view.   It was great to see that Matt Morgan's business has been up.  Perhaps you should take a hint and l earn to keep your mouth shut.  Mike, you will never get one red cent from me.  I won't contribute to pay for your plane tickets to New York to march with your filthy brethren.  You are nothing more then an American version of Matteo, and, hopefully, your days on this list are numbered.


Martin Brody


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