Ask any Canadian what they think of Bush and you will get an ear full of
what an a-hole he is.

Corrupt beyond any measure and stupid with only family connections getting
him where he is today.  If I were an American I would be ashamed to have
such a president.

Mike Tettenborn
Owen Sound, Ontario
Trying to do my little bit to help get Bush out of office.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Michael Farmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Francis Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2004 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] GWB and Meteorites

> Thank you Francis, there are thousands of arguments against Bush, and
> thousands for him. It is up to every American to vote this year, it is
> critical on either side, because even though Martin posted the majority of
> Americans support Bush, the last 6 months poll numbers blow that out of
> water.
> This will be the closest presidential race in history. So every vote
> whichever side you are on, and anyone who does not vote, should keep their
> mouths shut.
> As a man who travels every month to other parts of the world, (something
> Bush administration has made extremely difficult for Americans) I see the
> reality, the hatred that the rest of the world has for us. You would think
> by watching Fox news, that the world supports us, you would be wrong. I
> like we will soon be living in a prison, trying to protect ourselves from
> the "freedom haters". What a crock of shit.
> Watch this hilarious (but oh so true) flash video. It cracks me up.
> I also think that the rest of the world is watching this election more
> ever. I was in Australia only a 2 weeks ago and all anyone wanted to know
> was how the election was going.
> Michael Farmer
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Francis Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, September 05, 2004 9:30 AM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] GWB and Meteorites
> > Dear List:
> >   One of the ironic things about Mike Farmer's
> > exchange is this: here we are in the 21st century and
> > the only way to get new moon rocks is for people like
> > Mike Farmer to collect them in the desert.  Should we
> > not have research missions to the moon by now? While
> > G.W.B. has made some talk about this, what is being
> > funded?
> >    The Chronicle of Higher Education has deemed GW
> > Bush's administration one of the most anti-science
> > administrations around. Much of his core constituency
> > denies Darwinian evolution and modern cosmology, for
> > example. While the latest batch of planetary probes
> > (Cassini, the Mars Rovers, Galileo) have produced a
> > treasure-trove of information, those initiatives began
> > in prior administrations.
> >    I post to Farmer's defense, and on-topic: I think
> > we can do better in an administration when it comes to
> > promoting scientific progress in the planetary
> > sciences, and many other sciences.
> >    I will probably vote for Kerry.
> >    Just my two cents. And it's topic-relevant, so no
> > apologizies for this single, humble American citizen's
> > opinion. I know other planetary scientists have
> > differing opinions, and that's OK.
> >
> > Francis Graham
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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