Hello Svend,

While I can not help you track down the current whereabouts of Mazapil. You might find the following two newspapers interesting. The first is very long and I do not have it transcribed yet, the second is posted on my website. I have PDF's copies of each available via e-mail upon request (~800kb. each). Mazapil will get a direct newpsaper article link on the site later tonight.

I will be leaving here within the hour (on vacation), however I have hired helper now, she has worked with me before and seems to have a good handle on things and should be able to handle almost all inquiries.

Clear Skies,
Mark Bostick

Paper: Washington Post
City: Washington, D.C.
Date: Sunday, October 31, 1909
Page: Magazine Section, Page 1

(Part of a long article on meteors)

Meteors Like Little Pebbles

The former of these was a bolide which came to earth in France on Aprl 4, 1905, a shower of Lyraids simultanesouly attracting the heavens the wondering gaze ofthe people of western Europe. Of this hot visitand the Saxon Chronicle records that one of the eyewitnesses "cast water upon it, which was raised in steam with a great noise of boiling."
The later instance was observed at Mazapil, in Mexico, during the Andromede rain of November 27, 1885. That which was described asa ball of fire struck the ground, and when cool was found to be a piece o firon weighing 8 pounds, and containing nodules of graphite. These two bodies came into reach during a display of shooting stars. But they lack observation concerning their radiant point; therefore there is no ground for associating them with the simultaneous phenomenon..


Paper: La Porte City Progress
City: La Porte City, Iowa
Date:  October 5, 1887

A Metallic Fragment from Another World


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