Dear List,
   The coordinates should not be too difficult to
find. Find the family`s phone number by name
(meteorite was found within their yard), address or if
necessary Berthoud public school, post office, or
coffee shop (usually I go to the local barber) and
ask.  Be POLITE and not pushy!!!  Berthoud is/or was a
quiet small town.
   Berthoud is a fairly small area or at least rural
enough that word travels quickly.  Please resepect
land, landowners and the people.  Myself being from
rural Colorado, country people don`t like trespassers.
 They don`t like people walking on their land without
permission and certainly don`t tolerate driving in
their fields (planted or not with crops).
  Please consider that you will be representing the
"meteorite community" and we don`t need another
Portales senerio.  TRY YOUR BEST  TO FIND SOME!!!! 
Always get permission before entering someone else`s
land!!!  Colorado does have a no trespassing law and
citizens with guns (unlikely you will NOT be
shot...but one never knows).  Property lines are/are
not always marked!  And the excuse, "I didn` know that
this was your" land won`t fly. DGMW...Coloradoans are
generally very nice people....but, you will not know
which ones are NOT until it is too late.
  It is a shame, if true, that the Denver Museum of
Natural History and Jack Murphy are not encouraging
help to recover more of this stone.  I doubt that it
is 100% true.  If true they probably don`t want
"meteorite hunters", ie. sellers, collectors involved.
 It is also a crime that the Museum has now hidden
their meteorite collection from the public and that
they have "retired" Jack.  The institution only is
greedy and seeking a Disneyland attraction (even
though it has and once had a very fine collection and
curation of its collection).  IMHO, Jack is a very
serious scientist and has done alot with the Colorado
Skywatch and meteorite recovery in Colorado.  He is
territorial; but nevertheless kind, polite and a
genuine person.
   Thank you for those from Colorado and elsewhere who
come to seek this stone. Sincerely, Dirk Ross...Tokyo

P.S> It would be of interest to me if someone would
try to verify the soil and conditions (moisture,
compaction, type of soil) so that impact penetration
depth might lead us to impact velocity at impact.

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