Hello to the List members.
As you know, I'm writing a book about french
meteorites to be released next month.
I would add to have better images than I have and need
very high resolution pictures of the following
meteorites :

- Shirokovsky (for my meteorwrong section)

And nice slices or big fragments of :
- Alais
- Aubres
- Ausson
- Bouvante
- Charsonville
- Chitenay
- Esnandes
- Favars
- Galapian
- Granes
- Jonzac
- Kerilis
- Kermichel
- Les Ormes
- Marmande
- Mascombes
- Mezel
- Montferre
- Montlivault
- Mornans
- Quinçay
- St Caprais
- St Christophe
- Ste Marguerite
- St Severin
- Villedieu

You can send me these high resolution jpeg pictures

I'm sure some of you have got some of these meteorites
in their collection and I would be very honored to
publish them in my book (of course, a mention of your
name and copyright will be added).

Pierre-Marie Pele


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