Hi there,

thanks to all who told me they will be at the Munich Mineral Show this

The reason why I was asking is twofold: first of all, I am looking
forward to see fellow collectors. I haven't been in the public so far
:-), and this will be the first time to see those I am writing to.

The second reason is that I will use the opportunity to buy some
material there. It's my first fair, so I don't really know what to
expect. So I thought that it would be clever to ask those selling there
what they will offer, and maybe get some deals done before I come to
Munich, so I can pay and pick up the meteorites there.

Now, apart from getting this or that beauty that comes to my eyes in
Munich, I have a list of items I will be looking for. I want to add some
lower numbered NWAs to my collection, whether they are just ordinary
chondrites or something more exotic. I am looking for a piece of
Mauerkirchen, sized in a way that I can afford it. I want to get a
larger slice of an ordinary chondrite (no prob if it is unclassified) in
the range of 500-1500g.

I am NOT really looking for new falls or lunar or martian material.
Price DOES matter, of course :-).

If you feel you have something I am looking for - or even something I am
NOT looking for but could be interested in, feel free to contact me. I
am no millionaire, so proposing me a $5000 part slice of something will
just waste your time *g*, but I do not expect you to offer me a 25g CK5
for $75 either :-)


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