I am trying to acquire a few NWAs (unclassified would be fine, but 869s
would be ideal) to give to my sons' school, http://pcc-web.com/ (and see
http://pcc-web.com/news.asp and scroll down to the Venus transit to see a
pic of me doing my educational outreach stuff!)

As they have absolutely no budget for this sort of ephemera, and my personal
budget is very restricted, I was wondering if there were any real cheap
deals (or even freebies) for the NWAs - shipping, of course, to be paid by

I have already donated to them some Brahin, a bit of Lunar stuff, some
Chassigny and other chondritic stuff, but it would be great if the kids who
wanted to could take a lump of NWA 869 home with them, or be given to them
as an award for their scientific endeavours!

I hate asking, but some of you listees appear to have so-o-o-o much of this
stuff lying around as ballast I thought I could at least try!

gratefully yours, of course!


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