He is upset because he keeps getting emails re my Parnallee ad. This is
because he subscribes to these lists such as this one under many different
pseudonyms so he gets my mails for both Matteo and Mauro and any others that
he uses.
Poor fool doesn't realise that yet, I am sure he will though!
And the joke of it is, he is the worst offender for sending out repeat
emails that we know of -  I remember his tasteless mails on 9/11?... I am
sure we all do, in fact.

Art? I thought he was banned from this list? Why he still is allowed to
And, if Matteo/Mauro is reading this - please do not bring Mike Farmer's
name into this discussion otherwise I will tell him what you called him in
your last response to me....

This is my last word on this matter, on the list at least. I am not going to
sink to that fool's level.

humbly, as ever


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