Hi all,
sunday I and my friend Mauro went to a near town (Verona about 100Km) for
a conference in the morning about meteorite, the relator is a great
professor, meteorite hunter and a great collector.
After we went at home of the bigger Italian Meteorite Hunter, Giorgio
Tomelleri, you saw he and his wife in Ensishem, S.Marie and Munich, he found
2 martian DaG meteorite, 3 how and much more:)

He has shown to us some cool tektite and I bought my first HOW, an endpiece
(with crust) 18.5g DaG 671.

You can see some picture of the day on this page:

if you want to see some great dag meteorite, a 103g of martian dag 670 and a
real Tunguska wood take a look :)


Francesco Moser

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