Edwin, thanks for the info, I tried to call you earlier but to no avail.
This shows the larger extent of the problem.
the Moroccans are trying to sell stuff, and are now using our data on new stones.
See it from my point of view. I could lose alot of money this way.
Whatever dealer you got the "NWA 1906" from is wrong. I have all but one slice of that here on my desk right now. So you see the dilemma.
As far as the 2085, goes, again, what makes Ali think it is the same? He didn't know what it was when he sold it to me in Munich, so it seems he is hoping for more money from the next stone and called it the same as mine.
Thanks for your understanding and it only helps us all to deal with this issue.
I looked around the web today, and to see my NWA 1906 for sale on 3 different websites and on eBay is a little unsettling.
Mike Farmer
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 2004 6:14 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Another fake name, serious business

Hello Mike, very sorry for the confusion. Apparently Rob Wesel showed you the large collection of specimens that I am selling and in the group there were these two specimens with your numbers on them.  I bought the impact melt from Ali Hmani in Ste Marie Aux Mines, France this last June and he gave me this number saying that he had sold you your impact melt in Munich last year that you were selling slices of in Tucson.  Sorry for stepping on your nomenclature toes.  As for the R4, I really do have a piece with the number NWA 1906 on it, it is a substantial piece that I acquired from another dealer. Unfortunately, in the din of Denver tear down, I made a mistake and put it's label in with a whole flat of NWA 753 stones and put the NWA 753 label in with the one stone that I acquired with your NWA 1906 R4 classification on it.  I regret having to admit making this mistake but hey, I am just a bag of flesh on a rack of bones and to err is human.  Even though my initials are E.T. I am just a simple and slowly becoming senior, human.  And hey, if anybody wants any, I have about 3 kilos of NWA 753 R chondrite (very nice small to medium sized individuals). And I have roughly 24 kilos of this wonderful impact melt breccia. I'll check with Ali to see if he has already gotten another NWA number from Dr. Ted Bunch and if not I'll send Ted a piece and get my own number for it. In the meantime, if anyone would like a nice loaf of bread sized and shaped individual of this IMB, I have one specimen that weighs 16 kilos. It's available for sale or trade. All you folks know that I love to trade! 
Sincerely and humbly,  Edwin Thompson

-------------- Original message --------------

> Anyone out there got any opinions on this?
> Here is another example of false name given to unclassified meteorite.
> http://www.polandmet.com/_nwa1906.htm
> This is POLANDMET, who has a page selling NWA 1906, a Rumuruti.
> Now, here is my page, of NWA 1906, the only stone classified and given this
> number:
> http://www.meteoriteguy.com/nwa1906.htm
> The problem, that is my meteorite, one stone, no pairings ever announced.
> Take a look at the two pages, the meteorites are not even similar in any
> way.
> Mine is NWA 1906, since I had it classified, Polandmet's does not even come
> close to mine. It doesn't look the same, it has much larger chondrules,
> multicolored, and is just totally different. Not to mention that there are
> clearly two different meteorites on that same page. Note the slices at top,
> very nice clear multicolored chondrules, then the slices are the bottom,
> smaller chondrules, more weathered, clearly brecciated.
> These meteorites are totally different.
> I am publicly demanding from Polandmet to answer this.
> What makes you think that you can sell a meteorite under the number that my
> stone received? What makes you think they are paired? Why are you doing
> this?
> Edwin Thompson is the one who is using a whole host of my numbers, I have
> not spoken with him yet, but there is no justification for it other than
> trying to pawn off unclassified meteorites as names pieces.
> This has the potential to collapse the entire meteorite market.
> We are only as good as our name, and I have worked very hard to do things
> right. I would NEVER sell someone a meteorite that is not what it is claimed
> to be.
> But this is what these dealers are doing, making visual pairings to keep
> from having to do their own work.
> Buyer beware, it seems that the only way to get official material is to buy
> from the dealer who made the official classification.
> Michael Farmer
> Awaiting a response from Polandmet and Edwin Thompson.
> http://www.meteoriteguy.com/nwa1906.htm
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