Have you had your materiel tested?

yes, the material i am offering currently IS nwa 1839 part of the original mass that was studied by NAU

Go back and talk to NAU about the pairing
status of NWA 1839 and NWA 3133.

I dont need to talk to the researchers again - they are publically saying that nwa 3133 and 1839 are paired. thats good enough for me.

It is still up in air regardless of what
was put on the web-site because testing has not yet proved a pairing. There
are some differences between the two so more testing is needed.

so what you are saying is NAU didnt know what they were doing when they made statements on their web site a week or so ago that said nwa 3133 and 1839 are paired?

Why was a fabricated classification posted to the List in regards to NWA
1839? Maybe you should ask Dr. Bunch about this, as well and report back to

funny you should mention that adam, i DID email Dr. Bunch and in short his reply does NOT confirm your claims.

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