> I want ask for help with identification true info about NWA 835
> I buy it from Pitmann in 2000 in Gifhorn as H4, TKW 1104g, 16.11.2000
> In catalogue M. Grady it not exist, but in last A to Z it is as H6, TKW1104,
> found 30.11.2000

Here is what the Meteoritical Bulletin says:

Northwest Africa 835
H6, S4; W1; br
1104 gr; 9 pieces;
Olivine Fa19.5; pyroxene Fs17.3

Type specimen 29.9 g. Classified by A. Greshake (MNB) and M. Kurz
(Kurz); type specimen, MNB, main mass, Kurz (Met.Bull. 86, 2002).

Especially the Fa and Fs values make NWA 835 an equilibrated H chondrite
(H5 or H6).


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