Do you people (dealers, mostly, but by no means
exclusively) have ANY idea of how much the rest of
us HATE the insidious, ongoing, petty prodding, poking,
mudslinging CRAPOLLA with which you endlessly
POLLUTE this list?????
        You have been asked nicely, gently, politely,
diplomatically, and REPEATEDLY to stop!
        You all say, "Oh, we're really good friends..." and,
"We'll all sit down together in Tucson and have a drink!"
Ya? Well, the rest of us don't give a DAMN that you will
have a drink together in Tucson! We have to live with your
pollution the rest of the year and WE DON'T LIKE IT!
        People leave the list! People get turned off to the whole
meteorite scene!  You nit wits call yourself dealers, but
continually engage in behavior that DRIVES COLLECTORS
 AWAY - not just from the list, but from collecting!
        Brilliant! Stinking Brilliant!
        "Don't feed the ducks," "Don't feed the ducks" - well,
the VAST MAJORITY of this list has NOT been feeding
the ducks but you quackers just keep at it and at it
and at it! 
        I have a suggestion:
        All of us that have NOT been quacking and quacking and quacking -
Every time someone gets nasty at someone else on this list, EVERYONE
send him a PERSONAL - OFF LIST email, saying, "Please post your
personal resentment e-mails OFF list directly to the individual
involved. I really don't want to be involved and you are violating list
rules." (or, something to that effect). NOT on the list - PERSONALLY,
and off list. 
        I MEAN EVERYONE - let these quackers get 500 emails every
time they indulge in petty bickering on the list - KEEP IT UP. To
hell with, "I'm going to leave the list because I just can't stand
this constant negativity" crap! THIS IS OUR LIST! Let's take it back.
        This is a way to do it. Do you  think if we ALL emailed individually
EVERY TIME each one did this they would not stop? Of course they
would! It will take us all - 500 emails directly to the individual EVERY
TIME! That will definitely give them pause. LET'S DO IT!
        Sick of it in San Diego,


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