As I stated before, I don't intend to drag this battle any further, but don't 
you think that 9/11 had anything at all to do with the fall of the economy???  
You can't just pile all of the blame on Bush. The same thing would have 
happened had any other president been in office at the time.  Have we forgotten 
that 9/11 was one of the worst days in U.S. history?  Nothing positive was an 
end-result of that day's events, including the depression of the U.S. economy. 
I don't understand, were we expecting it to make a sudden spike towards the 
sky, or what?


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Farmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Nov 26, 2004 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Re: LaCriolla + State Of Met. Market

Ryan, the problem was that your comparison was about as false as anything i 
have ever seen. USD$$$ was at all time high when Bush took office, now at 
record low around the world, starting to look like pesos. Do you wonder why it 
costs more to buy in  e\ urope ro morocco now? I used to get 13 dirhams for one 
dollar, now i get 8!  You do the math on exchanging 30,000$ like i usualy do i 
Morocco, and you will see that I now lose alost $10,000 in the Bush economy. Il 
 take clinton back any day of the week.
Mike Farmer

Hmm.. So now I started an argument? I thought I had just made a simple 
comparison. (??) Although, I must apologize for using that particular 
comparison on the list. I do realize that some of you are ultra-sensitive when 
it comes to politics, which is a bit ridiculous. Everyone should realize that 
most people have they're own everlasting opinions about certain things, so one 
should not even bother debating they're side. If everyone thought the same we 
wouldn't have a presidential election. Right? Anyway, thank you to all who have 
replied, but I surely wasn't expecting to see a political battle in my mailbox 
this afternoon. Kind of sad to see our freedom take a wrong twist.. again.

Best Wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: "Bernhard \"Rendelius\" Rems" 
Sent: Nov 26, 2004 10:07 AM
To: almitt 
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Re: LaCriolla + State Of Met. Market

I agree. But don't forget who started this political argument...


At 15:52 26.11.2004, you wrote:
>Dear Michael and all,
>Michael, political ramblings are no place for this list. Please refrain from
>doing so any more. If we can talk about politics then why not religion, 
>cars, cigars, coin collecting or what have you? A big part of the market 
>is and
>has been hurt by useless fighting, all on this un- moderated list. Let's talk
>meteorites and follow Art's rules.
>--AL Mitterling
>Meteorite-list mailing list

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