Michael & List,

Taking the time to think before posting to the list is beneficial.
Mr. Blood's post is exactly how I feel. My name was not involved,
but as a serious collector it might as well have been.

So long to the 'Sahara Team', never did and never will ! ! !

Best regards,

Roman Jirasek

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael L Blood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 9:06 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Response to the Pellissons

Mr. & Mr. Pellisson,
        I consider the situation the meteorite community is facing due
to your actions so sever I have given this 24 hours of thought before
responding. I did not want to "over react" or take unwarranted action.
I consulted with close friends on the list, asking for feedback, etc.
Finally, I find the following response modest, given the circumstances
you have created and which we now all face:
        I have been to you web site, sirs, from the link you provided in
your post to the list:
>From the main page, I then clicked on "NWA
contraband" which took me to:
from which the following is a direct and exact quote:
"Smugglers, dealers, investors, all the people who buy, sell, trade and
publish documents about these meteorites want to conceal the truth. As long
as the collectors believe that unknown hunters wish to keep the locations of
their finds secret, that all these meteorites are good for science and a
good purchase, the business will go on! The plundering of North Africa, the
support to organized smuggling rings, the financing of terrorism..."
        Besides for impeaching pretty much everyone on the list in the
above statement, you have reportedly individually used the names of a good
many people for whom I hold deep respect not the least of whom include
Bernd Pauli, Art Jones and Jeff Grossman in an attempt to "prove" everyone
having anything to do with NWA meteorites - except yourselves, is
contributing to terrorists. While it is no secret I am strongly anti war, I
non the less passionately support the safety of people serving this
country and most certainly consider all terrorists the enemy of all
civilized humans. For you to claim the meteorite community supports
terrorists - for your personal ends is utterly reprehensible.
        The amount of potential damage resulting from your outrageous claim
is is yet to be seen, but is certainly incalculable in scope.
        Unless you immediately remove this atrocity from your site, to you I
say, a permanent "good day."
        Why anyone on this list would  have anything to do with you or your
business while you continue to host this on your site is beyond me entirely.
        As long as you maintain this wretched propaganda as part of your
site (or anywhere else) under no circumstances will I purchase from you or
speak to you or in any way whatsoever support any business conducted by
you. Remove that site and then I will listen to what you have to say. Until
        If you post to this list, I will not respond or acknowledge your
post. If you show up in Tucson, I will not enter your room. If you show up
at my auction, I will have security remove you.
        Take down the site. Now.
        Good day, Michael Blood
PS: Anyone else care to let the Pellisons know how much business from them
they can expect as long as this atrocious portion of their site remains?

on 12/3/04 2:30 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Let us explain the French problem with B.  Fectay/C. Bidaut
> Bruno Fectay and Carine Bidaut have sued us in March  2004 for libel. It
> "only" a civil action between B. Fectay/C. Bidaut and  us to claim for
> damages.
> Now we are also claiming for damages against  them.
> It will take several months to the justice before to return a  verdict.
> As you can imagine, nothing is illegally done in front of the court  :
> private emails are not admissible.
> And  "nobody" can be summoned to  appear in a civil action.
> All the remarks and all the publicity which  have been given to this
> are the consequences of this civil  action.
> Regarding our web page on NWA meteorites, the French court  decided in our
> favor:
> "Il ne peut être contesté que le débat sur les lieux  de découvertes des
> météorites est légitime et présente un intérêt  scientifique. La même
> légitimité doit être reconnue pour les discussions sur  le transport et
> opérations commerciales relatives à ces  météorites"
> We hope that everybody can return to his passion. And we wish  that those
> interested by the subject will wait for the official  decision.
> And if Bruno Fectay has something to express why does he needs to  write
> through N. Classen and not with his own email ?
> For those  who want to know more about us and our work on Saharan
> strewnfields, you can  browse our web pages:
> http://www.SaharaMet.com
> And our 2003 expedition  on Mauritanian  craters:
> http://www.saharamet.com/expedition/2003/craters.html
> Best  regards,
> Richard and Roland Pelisson
> ----- Original Message  -----
> From: "Norbert Classen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:  "meteorite-list" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "La Memoire  de la Terre" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 6:38  AM
> Subject: [meteorite-list] Pellisson, the end of a free meteorite  hobby?
>> Hi All,
>> I'm forwarding this message on  behalf of Bruno & Carine.
>> They are having problems to post to the  list, and thus they
>> asked me for assistance. Please read  below.
>> BTW, I believe their message to be of major importance  to
>> us all. We shouldn't allow a few rotten apples to spoil our
>>  hobby - so please read what Bruno & Carine have to say since
>> it  affects us all, and a few of us, more directly.
>> If you want to  take action, please contact Bruno & Carine in
>> that matter. You may  reach them via: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Best,
>>  Norbert
>> -----Original Message-----
>> Dear List  Members,
>> this subject is of high interest as it will affect all  of us
>> including the scientists. What the Pellissons are doing is  just
>> unbelievable, they already did contact the French interior
>>  Ministry as well as the Customs offices in different countries.
>> They are  linking the meteorite community to terrorism in different
>>  ways.
>> They did send to major medias a 64 pages document full of  crap
>> with parts of YOUR private and public mails to try to  establish
>> that nobody but themselves have the right to sell  meteorites!!
>> Be aware than in a close future we will all have  problems shipping
>> or crossing borders with meteorites, thanks to  them!
>> Just try a Google search for "money for terrorism" and you will  get
>> straight to their page, listed in first place.... see it  here:
>>  http://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&q=%22money+for+terrorism%22&meta=
>>  They are using metanames and cross linking
>> with pages about horrible  things just to attract interest on them.
>> You all know that we  did bring them to court, they already have been
>> sentenced in emergency  during the last Tucson show. Now we are driving
>> them to serious things,  we received their list of pseudo arguments
>> from our  attorneys.
>> Here is the list of the people they are involving in  front of the Judge
>> and the Lyon's Court (the second biggest in France),  they are using
>> parts of your public and private emails to try to explain  why meteorites
>> (except of their own) are funding  terrorism.
>> Warning: be aware that these documents are used to  prove that either
>> you 100% agree with them and support their ideas or  that you are
>> in funding islamist networks......
>>  Privates:
>> Mr Bernd Pauli
>> Mr Eric Twelker
>> Mr Art  Jones
>> Mr Alain Carion
>> Mr Michael Farmer
>> Mr Michel  Franco
>> Mr Aziz Habibi
>> Mr Nelson Oakes
>> Mr Bob  Verish
>> Mr Greg and Adam Hupe
>> Mr Tracy Latimer
>> Mr Luc  Labenne
>> Mr Dean Bessey
>> Mr Matteo Chinellato
>>  Scientists:
>> Dr Zenda
>> Dr Grossman
>> Dr Barrat
>> Dr  Treiman
>> Dr Huss
>> Dr Gillet
>> Dr Jambon
>> Dr  Bunch
>> the whole Meteoritical Society
>> the AMNH of New  York
>> the MNHN of Paris
>> And this is only a resume of the  thing, it would take days to translate
>> the horrors they are building. As  an example they are trying to explain
>> that the MNHN of Paris did send  Michel Franco to build a new network
>> for funding Al Queda and they sent  that to the French medias...
>> What will be the next step? Child  abuse? Drug traffic? If we don't stop
>> them now be sure everybody will  get in trouble because of the wonderful
>> hobby we share:  meteorites.
>> As your names and private emails have been used by  them in a public
>> court and have been transmitted to medias and Customs  offices
>> worldwide, you have the right to ask them a translated copy of  the way
>> they are using it, you can urge them by law to stop using your  names and
>> mails too....
>> We stay available if you need  further advices.
>> Sorry to send such a terrible post, but the  community should be aware of
>> what is going on.
>>  Sincerely,
>> Bruno & Carine
>> La Memoire de la Terre  Sarl
>> The Earth's Memory LLC
>> France
>>  www.meteorite.fr
>> www.fossile.fr
>> ----- Original  Message -----
>> From: "dean bessey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Sent: Wednesday,  November 24, 2004 6:26 PM
>> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] SaharaMet  Expedition on meteorite impact
>> craters
>>> This  is from the pellison guys who says terrorists are
>>> being supported  by you meteorite buyers.
>>> In court in France my own name was used in  French
>>> court along with my postings to this list as  evidence
>>> that I stated terrorists were being supported by  our
>>> meteorite buys.
>>> Now I ask every member of this  list? Where in the
>>> archaives do I provide evidence that Al Quada  is
>>> supported by our buys? This is pure fabrication and
>>>  efforts to drive everybody else out of the desert. I
>>> havent seen  the court document but I suspect they have
>>> taken some of the  moronic fights about exporting
>>> meteorites illegally from morocco  that me, farmer, the
>>> hupes and others have sadly gotten involved in  in our
>>> efforts to claim that "My meteorites are better than
>>> your meteorites" (Yes, I am as guilty as anybody in
>>> this "My  meteorites are better than your meteorites"
>>> crap even though it is  not possible to illegally
>>> export meteorites from morocco because  there is no law
>>> in morocco saying that you cant do it - go to  your
>>> local moroccan embassy if you want confirmation of
>>> what I am saying here).
>>> My suspicion is that they took things  out of context
>>> and misquoted what was said taking things out  of
>>> context.
>>> So lets see, we have a dealer who is known  to have
>>> deliberately misquoted other people and lied about
>>> what was said in postings. We know that the pelissons
>>> are  people with no scruples and have no hessitation
>>> about lying. If  they willingly lie in court imagine
>>> what they would tell meteorite  collectors. Tell me, is
>>> this the type of person that you would buy  a meteorite
>>> from? They lied at least twice. How do you know  that
>>> they are not lying when they tell you that they never
>>> bought a NWA in morocco from aid mohammad and instead
>>> of  selling it for 20 cents a gram like I would do if I
>>> bought a NWA  from aid mohammad, they offer it to you
>>> at $2 a gram as their own  find? They lied once in a
>>> very orchastrated court fraud and made up  a story that
>>> meteorite funds are supporting terrorism.
>>>  Does known fakers really need three strikes to be out?
>>> If you pay  more than 15 cents a gram for a pellisson
>>> meteorite you are buying  something from people with no
>>> more trustworthyness than dealing  with a lot of the
>>> moroccans. The pellisons meteorites have no more  known
>>> about them than if you buy my 20 cent NWAs. You dont
>>> know where they are from.
>>> And yes, I really am pissed off  because my name was
>>> used in french court in a fabricated court  case.
>>> Sincerely
>>> DEAN
>>> ---  SaharaMet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> A new page on our desert trips:
>>>>    - Mauritanian Sahara expedition
>>>>    - Temimichat and Tenoumer impact craters
>>>>    - panoramic views of the craters
>>>>    (4000x650 pixels)
>>>>    -  impactites and shocked granitic rocks
>>>>    -  story of the journey
>>>> Go to:
>>>>  http://www.saharamet.com/expedition/2003/crater.html
>>>> Richard & Roland Pelisson
>>>> SaharaMet
>>>> Sahara expeditions and great meteorite discoveries
>>>>  http://www.saharamet.com
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