Hello Everyone,

For some reason, half my posts don't make it to the list.  I will try this
one again:

The University of Hawaii has an interesting website devoted to information
about meteorites and planetary sciences.  In addition to posted articles,
there is also a list server to which one can subscribe.  The articles are
mainly written for the non-scientest (in other words, understandable) by
scientests.  It has a search function and the glossary is particularly
helpful.  Here is a sort of mission statement:

Planetary Science Research Discoveries (PSRD) is an educational site sharing
the latest research on meteorites, planets, and other solar system bodies
being made by NASA-sponsored scientists. The web site is supported by the
Cosmochemistry Program of NASA's Office of Space Science and by Hawai`i
Space Grant Consortium and is a vital link for planetary and space sciences,
and for learning how science works.

 Here is the URL:



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