> Thanks for all the replies. I think I may have the answer.
> I think it depends on whether or not you are using the
> word as an adjective, noun, or verb.

Hello Robert and List,

Here are some further examples from my databases:

1) Borkut: "Elliptical chondrules are orientated" (Catalogue of Meteorites)

2) Canyon City: "The individual 50-100 µ wide alpha-grains of the fields
   are differently orientated  ..." - BUCHWALD V.F. (1975) Handbook of
   Iron Meteorites, Volume 2, pp. 380-381)

3) DaG 995: "plagioclase contains small crystallographically orientated
   inclusions of augite (Met.Bull. 87, 2003 July, p. A194)

4) El Carmen: "A single, orientated mass weighing 629 g was found ..."
   (Meteoritics, 1988, 23, p.171)

5) Lone Tree: "An orientated, ... mass of 20.676 kg was ploughed up"
   (Catalogue of Meteorites)

6) Mount Margaret: "A single, flight orientated stone was found ..."
   (Catalogue of Meteorites)

7) A. Fujimura, M. Kato et al. (1983) Preferred orientation of phyllosilicate
   (001) in matrix of Murchison meteorite and possible mechanisms of
   generating the orientated texture in chondrites.
   (Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 66, 25-32)

8) Summerfield: "A single orientated stone of 6.2 kg was found ..."
   (Catalogue of Meteorites)

9) Waka: "A single, orientated mass weighing 11.875 kg was found ..."
   (Met.Bull. 66, Jun 1988, Meteoritics 23-2, 1988, p.173).

Best wishes,


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