Hello All,

Listed below are the results of my question about oriented Amgalas. A total
of 31 oriented Amgalas were reported to me (including the 20 from Greg Hupe)
and I found another 4 on a couple of websites. The weights of the
magnificent few are listed below:

651.8 gram
350 gram
260 gram
94.6 gram
69.2 gram
58 gram
54.4 gram
45.6 gram
42.16 gram
33.3 gram
33.18 gram
32.5 gram
23.69 gram
20.7 gram
16.1 gram
15.6 gram
15.37 gram
14.68 gram
13.9 gram
13.9 gram
11.8 gram
11.5 gram
10.2 gram
7.6 gram
7.2 gram
6.8 gram
6.51 gram
6.5 gram
5.7 gram
5.5 gram
4.8 gram
4.4 gram
4.1 gram
2.5 gram
2.4 gram

I also think I remember someone referring to about a one kilo oriented
individual a few months back but I couldn't find that post. I'm sure that
there are more oriented individuals out there, but I suspect that it's not a
great number.


----- Original Message -----
From: fcressy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Meteorite List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 9:33 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Oriented Amgala individuals

> Hello all,
> Todays "Rocks From Space Picture of the Day" of the oriented Amgala
> individual brought a question to mind. In the May 2004 issue of
> magazine, Martin Horejsi wrote: "While the Bensour shower was filled with
> wonderfully oriented individuals, Amgala was almost devoid of them with
> three found to date." Since that time additional Amgala individuals
> obviously have been found and brought to market. As an "oriented Amgala"
> owner, I'm curious as to the approximate number that now might be out
> So, if you fellow "oriented Amgala owners" out there don't mind sending me
> their information in, I'll go ahead and tabulate the results and then
> to the list.
> As an aside, my oriented Amgala is a 32.5 gram stone.
> Cheers,
> Frank
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