I would say cheating death is a pretty expensive hobby, drinking and gambling are pretty expensive hobbies, they can cost one a life's' fortune, or one's life. Smoking costs lives..... Love of motor racing, skydiving.............
Define expensive...in terms of dollar bills...........Penny Marshall has a pretty rich collection of sports memorabilia ...tens of millions of dollars worth........same with collectable cars, a few million here or there. Airplane collectors can roll out a number of millions on specific planes... the top ten Elvis or Beatles memorabilia, or the top five Star trek colletors.......tens of millions of dollars for the top collections. Babe Ruth's baseball bat, 1.5 million dollars. Honus Wagner baseball card ~ 1 million dollars.
And then there are paintings and rare art.... Roy Rogers, John Wayne, acting memorabilia ...mmm.
My bet is meteorites is up there but not at the top possibly because it is not as popular as baseball cards or comic books.
More responses welcome!
Dave F. Stromatoliteman

Steve Arnold, Chicago!!! wrote:

Hi list, and goodafternoon.I had a discussion with someone at work today
about,What is the most expensive hobby.Well I said, There can be no doubt
it is meteorite collecting.Well than she said, it is obvious that you do
not know your expensive hobbies.She started rattling off things about
horses and motor cycles.I said you are nuts.I explained to her about bob
haag finding calcalong creek.Her mouth stopped and she went silent.So I
put it you, the meteorite hobbyist.What do you think is the most expensive
hobby is?Questions, comments,critisims, rebuttles, are welcome.Let me know
your thoughts.I think it is an interesting question.

steve arnold, chicago, usa!!

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728 Illinois Meteorites website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

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