Paper: Daily Review
City: Decatur, Illinois
Date: Monday, November 17, 1902
Page: 1


When This Meteor Fell in .

Springfield, Ills., Nov. 17. - Early Saturday night a huge meteor fell in the barn lot of W.C. Murphy, who resides one-half mile east of Rochester, a village six miles east of Springfield.
The meteor struck the ground with a dull, heavy thud, and its brilliancy illuminated the country for a considerable distance as it flashed to the ground. When the meteor struck is a hole in the ground two or three feet deep. Early Sunday morning Mr. Murphy heard of the meteor and many people flocked to the farm to see it. It is as large as an ordinary barrel.


Article refers to the Bath Furnace meteorite. The meteorite was not found at this location, but did fall at this time about 400 miles away. It is likely the same meteor seen.

Clear Skies, Mark Bostick

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