Dear List,

Thought I would share some excitement over NWA 3133 after the recent talks
at AGU.  It looks like Northwest Africa is beginning to be recognized as a
producer of some very important specimens.  These are a few notes from
communications between scientists that were shared with me in regards to NWA
3133, a specimen of critical importance.

Congratulations on your excellent talk at AGU. Your presentation was still
echoing through the halls of the Convention Center on Thursday.  Tracy
Rushmer referred to NWA 3133 and your name repeatedly in her talk in the
Oxygen in Terrestrial Planets session Thurs. AM.

Significantly, both in this case and with the CV story, none of this would
have been evident without critical new specimens from Northwest Africa as
well as top quality and timely oxygen analyses (the "power of O", as I told
Fred Longstaffe).

I'll spend this week in maintenance work and prepare the Lab for a
productive January!!! Especially the UV laser system for the NWA 3133 chip.

It is good to see that NWA is now taking on great importance in the race to
find new clues about our solar system.

Kind Regards,


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