Hello everyone,

It has been two years since my catastrophic brush with
death having come down with ADEM in the first week of
Jan. 2003.  The Clyde Tombaugh House (the inadvertant
cause of my auto-immune reaction) is in limbo, and I
now wonder if I will ever finish it.

What a journey it has been since I got out of the
hospital.  I still cannot drive.  And though I "think"
I can, the specialists at the hospital say no.

This has been a terrible blow to me as I cannot do
what I would like to do most, and that is to go out in
the field again.

And there was one major seizure that landed me in the
hospital when I went out to Glorieta with Rob Reisner.
It was a shock to me and him.  And there have been
many partial seizures since.  Brief moments when an
"aura" appears somewhere in my senses and it is as if
I am screwing up out of my head.

So, I have gone through many MRI's and therapy to
overcome the disabilities that ADEM has imposed on me.

But from I have been told, two years is the time frame
of possible recovery from ADEM.

I know what my limitations are now.  And I will have
to accept them.

And though I do not post much, or very often at the
this Metlist I do peek in to see what is happening and
who is finding what, and the falls, and the Ebay adds
(that I hate) are.  But for me it is sad, as it is as
if I am looking out through a window, watching but not
able to participate.

I won't be going to Tucson Show this year or any other
year after.  I am too mentally fragile to deal with
the hustle and bustle of that scene.

God, but a good meteorite trip with a friend or my
daughter is what I long for.


But I have not sat idle for 2 years. I have been out
in the field with Rob and Tim.  We spent some time at
dry lakes and Glorieta.  Found a really weird 1,200
gram Glorieta that is flat .75" x 4" x 9"  Found it
within one hour of searching. (I will post an image of
it at my my web site)

And besides the 3 or 4 times out, I have spent a good
portion of the last two years finishing up details on
a manuscript that I wrote before I became ill. It took
16 years to write _Scarlet_Fields_ a Civil War novel.
Just got the proof copy from the publisher.  And when
the final revisions are made this week it will be
Then I will proceed in writing a story about what my
affliction is and what it did to me.

I have already put up a basic site regarding this.

Go to Yahoo and to the Search field and type in:

slides from my brain

It will pop up in the search list. And in it there
will also be a link to MRI SCANS that I recently
uploaded. The neurosurgeons have told me that it is a
miracle that I survived based upon what they saw in
those images.  No one they had ever seen with that
much involvement to the brain survived.  Even to come
out as a vegetable would have been a miracle.

Well I am alive and not a vegetable.  And yes it was a
miracle.  Though at times I feel like a plant.

Anyway, I wish you all the best and hope that you all
do well in your meteorite endeavors and at the Tucson

Steve Schoner
#4470 IMCA

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