On Tue, 4 Jan 2005 00:23:25 -0700, you wrote:

>Heck, I didn't  know any better - every email I've ever seen has the old
>email on bottom.  I guess I missed that net-etiquette class at the Uni.  I
>always start at the top and when I reply to several things, I reply below
>each point - I guess I use the "over & under" or compound method.  :-)  I
>think most people on the list are like me, they're fairly new to newsgroups,
>mailing lists, etc. (I'm so green I don't know the difference between all
>the different kinds of groups).  So I think it's going to happen for some

It isn't a HUGE deal, at least to me, unless someone goes out of their way to 
make it a huge deal.
Which is why I was sure to say that MILITANT top-posters get killfiled-- that 
class of posters who
always make a point of mentioning (or even focusing on) in every post how 
superior they are for
top-posting and how anyone who doesn't top-post is an idiot (and there are more 
than just a handful
of those).  If it is an otherwise "normal" poster who just happens to top-post, 
I cope.  But it does
screw with the flow of the thread.

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