I guess it is because I have had so many sales lately
but I have had almost 20 people email me in the past
couple hours telling me that my webpage dont work. It
worked up to 3 or 4 hours ago but now none of my
webpages work and my pictures dont either. None of the
links in my ebay auction work either so my ebay
auctions are pretty scrambled right now so likely I
will lose bids today. I cant even log on to my website
and it is completely offline and for all practical
purposes dont exist anymore.
The company that hosts my wesite is downtown and the
storm last night (That left 3 feet of snow in some
places) knocked out the power in downtown toronto so
everybody downtown has been pretty cold all day I
guess (considering that its -34 degrees here right
I am hoping that my wepage will work again when they
get the power downtown fixed (I hope thats why my
webpage dont work now anyway - I hope that my hosting
company hasnt gone bankrupt over the weekend). So
check my links later an dhopefully they will again

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