Hi again everyone, I am still in shock at having found my very own Lunar meteorite.
I am overwhelmed with the congratulations from almost everyone. Sadly, one person in particular today instead of being happy for me, tried everything in their power to denounce my piece even though several of the world's top scientists have already examined it and given me the all-clear to announce it. I guess jealousy will drive some people over the edge. It seems that in Europe, it takes years to get data and they cannot believe or accept that in the USA, some of us dealers actually have amicable relationships with scientists and can get results within weeks.
Anyway, one bad apple will never dampen my spirits.
Tonight, even the Russian dealers took me out to dinner to celebrate this wonderful new meteorite from our nearest neighbor. I am already in the works to get it photographed at the LPL lab in Tucson
(it seems they take NASA's word at face value, unlike others), then sent for cutting and should have slices available in a few weeks, the classification should be done by then too.

Now, to the Tucson show news.
My room is jumping, Eric Olson and I are selling right and left, and many people are here.
Today, we had quite an interesting day, when Steve Arnold from Chicago, Mexico Doug, Bob Cucciara, Jim Strope, Keith Vazquez, and Michael Martinez all showed up at the same time. It was a blast with beer flowing and laughs bringing curious people to the door.
Of course, since it is gem show time, I am swamped with work, not hardly a spare second to do much of anything right now.
Blain's room is now at the Ramada, still a very nice place, and still a hang-out. I am trying to get them to move next door to me though next year, can you imagine the trouble then?
Till tomorrow.

Mike Farmer

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