On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 21:31:58 -0500, "Gerald Flaherty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd like to thank all who responded to my question. All the responses 
>promoted a better understanding of the "nature" of chondrules which remain 
>another marvelous mystery to ponder without dwelling upon.

All this talk of examining chondrules made me take a closer look at an 
unclassified NWA slice I had
bought a few weeks back but hadn't really taken a close look at before.  
Looking at it under 60x, I
was shocked at just how nice it is, and what a diversity of chondrules it has.  
The slice is right
at 40mm across at the widest, weighs 12 grams, and cost me only $4.00.  Seeing 
it now, it looks to
be one of the best bargins I've had so far.  This scan with my flatbed scanner 
can't begin to do it
justice, but I don't have a good way to take micro photos.  Note especially the 
objects in the lower
right quarter.

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