Please delete now for the faint of heart or who like a lot of hot air....I wasn't even going to post this, but after considerable thought, I felt I had to. Sorry in advance.

No apology necessary here Johnny G! I also get tired of the Big-Windy-Steve ultimate credit cards...Haag not for sale....I brought you Park main-mass Dhofars rule and your NWA's suck...what a bunch of blow-hard-self-ego-pumping-banter. What if we all posted when we purchased a new PC, a new digital camera, a new DVD recorder, a new DV camcorder, a new meteorite...I'm out of cell phone number is...BobHaag is HOT!...blah....blah. It would be the Ego-Techie List...not a meteorite list. I'm not talking about ONE post here. He's been spewing the new PC for several posts. Remember a while back, it was his NEW "State-of-the-Art" digital camera which wasn't so "State of the Art", so he got another one. How many posts about the two of them did we have to delete or read? Why? To look like a BIG DOG! Certainly something that I am not, and don't pretend to be. On and on and on. Who gives a rat's rear? Why do you have to have a new PC to post pictures? It certainly hasn't curtailed your ability to pummel us with emails about all your "glorious acquisitions" that you will certainly never part with. Why do you post stuff like that? What if everyone that attended Tucson posted what they bought at the show? What if I posted everytime I (or someone I know) found a "bunny-turd" Holbrook, Franconia, or Gold Basin meteorite? We used to post our joint Holbrook and other hunts as a story, but it became "bandwidth dribble" so we stopped. Who cares? Absolutely no one!

C'mon Steve! You're a nice guy and everything, but we don't need to know your everyday activities and purchases. Give us a break please. Sure I can use the "delete" key, but I have to admit I find it kind of entertaining in a "curious-perverted" way what's going to come out of your mouth next. Absolutely amazing to say the least..

I too apologiize for my tirade and if I deserve flaming, so be it. Maybe I'll get back to meteorites too and post a pic of a Holbrook I found with flow lines or something. (Not to be a big blow hard braggart though) Other than that, if you can stick to meteorite related posts, and no bragging Steve, I'll go back to lurking. It's a promise. Maybe you can all nominate me for the Jackass award next year instead of Sugar Ray D. and the Soggy-Bottom Boys.

Sorry all in advance again, Dave

JKGwilliam wrote:

Meteorite List,
First of all, I apologize to the List for the following:

I don't know about the rest of you, but I've finally reached my limit of Steve Arnold's (Big Windy) non-stop bragging and blathering. So, get angry with me if you want or send me emails condemning my behavior, but I've had enough and I have to vent a little here.

steve,steve,steve,steve,steve............I don't know what Dell catalog you ordered from, but since the Gwilliams are a "Dell only" family( we have five Dells), I can clear up any confusion you might be experiencing. The Dell Dimension 3000 is an entry level machine and can't be called "state of the art" by any stretch of the imagination. Dell describes the 3000 as the "Ultimate Value Desktop" and is second from the bottom of the line of eleven (11) desktop machines. The person you ordered your computer from must have given you some incorrect information.

Here at our house, my eleven year old daughter has a Dimension 4700 with dual hard drives, extra SDRAM, a Pioneer DVD-R burner, etc. It's two steps up from you machine and it isn't even close to being "state of the art."


John Gwilliam more thing. Nancy (my wife) remembers meeting BH about 10 years ago and she said that the way she would describe him could be translated to "BH is one hot dude!" if she were still thirty years old, but for a fifty year old guy to say that is ....well....disgusting and very embarrassing.

Faux pas!

John Gwilliam

At 03:08 PM 2/16/2005, Matt Morgan wrote:

What does this post have to do with meteorites? I've gotten a few new
computers over the last two years as well. Anyone else?? New cameras,
camcorders, VCRs, DVDs?
Matt Morgan
Mile High Meteorites
PO Box 151293
Lakewood, CO 80215 USA
ebay id: mhmeteorites
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Arnold, Chicago!!!" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2005 3:07 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] new computer

> Hi and good afternoon list.I just want to let everyone know that I just
> got my new computer and will be putting my tucson pictures up on my
> website for viewing.I'll let you know when I am done.I got a DELL
> DIMENSION 3000.It is state of the art computer.
> steve arnold.chicago
> Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120
> I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728
> Illinois Meteorites
> website url
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