Hi Jerry and List,

Oh, this is about metric versus the other standard (English).  I thought it
was about something else.  I come from an engineering background so it is
hard for me to think in any other system but metric.  I will gladly do the
conversions for anybody who is confused or offended by the use of a metric
scale.  It doesn't makes since to weigh a meteorite using grams and then
give its dimensions in another system.  I guess you can't please everybody.
Thank you for clearing this up.

All the best,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jerry A. Wallace" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Ad - Please Ignore!!!! Way off topic!!!!
Statingthe OBVIOUS!??

> Hi Adam,
> The problem here lies not with you but with the average American who
> is almost totally ignorant when it comes to the 'mysteries' of the metric
> system.
> The average (older) American doesn't know a centimeter from a centipede
> or a millimeter from a millipede. They can't tell you which has more
> volume:
> a quart or a liter (except for a few dedicated drinkers who figured it
> out at
> the liquor store years ago when the distillers went through the conversion
> process to metrics.)
> There was a once a highly promoted national program that was meant to
> educate Americans about the use of the metric system and then gradually
> convert the country over to its use. If memory serves, it seems like
> that was
> during the Kennedy administration. It was a rational and noble effort that
> died on the vine because it brought the populace of our fair country
> together
> like few things before or since. I well remember all the kickin',
> shoutin', and hollerin' that the proposal caused. "Yessiree and by
> dang," they
> shouted in unison, "the old methods of using inches, feet, yards,
> fractions,
> quarts, gallons and the like were good enough for our forefathers, so by
> jingo,
> they're good enough for us."
> Well, the government cratered to popular will, therefore we're still
> building
> and measuring things with a system of measurements that was created by
> establishing the distance between the tip of the King's nose to the tip
> of the
> King's thumb with his arm outstretched as being one yard (whatever that
> was).
> The metric system is actually based on scientific reasoning and is
> incredibly
> easier to use. It actually makes sense. I don't know what is being taught
> used in schools now, but I can only hope that the metric system is the
> preferred system. If it is, then it's one of the few things that the
> feds had any
> input on that was truly useful and right. But then that's a different
> can of
> worms.
> So, my recommendation to you is "stick with using the centimeter cubes as
> scale comparisons in your photos, and thereby force the boneheads to go
> out and buy a metric ruler."  It'll be good for the economy and may give
> the knuckleheads a clue the next time they meet a centimeter or
> Just some thoughts from the west Texas wilderness,
> Jerry
> Adam Hupe wrote:
> >Dear List,
> >
> >I must be missing something here.  Using a 1 cm cube to give a
> >buyer some scale is considered by some a corruption of use?  It tells a
> >about this public forum when something as innocent as a scale provided in
> >image so that a perspective buyer can make an informed decision about the
> >size of the object is somehow considered a scam.  It makes the avocation
> >much more enjoyable.  Just, what is proper scale etiquette?
> >
> >Kind Regards,
> >
> >Adam
> >
> >
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