Hello All,
Norm's pretty right -- the deserts out here may be good for finding a
single meteorite, but they are not too profitable.
With my experience, I'd have to say that an experienced hunter will
find a single stone after about eight hours of hunting (only on a very
good surface).  The average stone is probably five grams or less. 
After analysis you are left with less than three grams.  That means
that even if you could find a good site, manage to find a meteorite
and manage to sell your find to someone for $100 per gram, that you
would be left with $300.  The cost of a hotel room is ~$50 gas is
~$2/gallon and food/drinks are probably no less than $15 per person
per day.  That leaves you with a maximum of ~$200 on a good day.  On
average, about a quarter of the days spent hunting will turn up
At an average of ~$150 per day, most days of the year will be spent
walking twenty or so miles in 100 degree+ (often upwards of 120
degrees in the shade -- add ten or so degrees in the sun...)  heat. 
Somehow it doesn't seem like too good a way to make some money.
You should also note that it usually takes most people a good few
trips for  to find their first meteorite...
It's only worth it if you're completely insane...or...bitten by the
meteorite bug...
Finder of many...
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