Hi Al & Todd
If I remember correctly when they added the CD to the 5th edition they 
mentioned that it would be easier to update and it would be updated earlier. 
Has anyone heard anything about this.
If you are looking for the information that is the most updated I would suggest
looking at list members Jörn Koblitz's program. It includes the most update and 
pertinent information about every meteorite. He just posted information about 
the most recent version. It is costly but remember you get what you pay for and 
in my opinion well worth the price.
I produce a book with two other authors that is now a year old. It is only 
$22.95 but only includes basic information about each meteorite exclusive of 
Antarctica. It is "Meteorites from A to Z" second edition.
If you have the 5th edition Catalogue of Meteorites and want an update you can 
also just print out the Meteoritical Bulletins (MB) from #84 through today. 
They are available on the Meteoritical Societies website. Put them in a three 
ring binder and add tabs. You can then index them by simply entering the 
meteorite name,  MB number and page number into your choice of software. Once 
you have entered this minor amount, though quite lengthy bit of information, 
you just might decide to purchase it from Jörn Koblitz.

Mike Jensen IMCA 4264
Jensen Meteorites
16730 E Ada PL
Aurora, CO 80017-3137

> Hi Todd and all,
> I didn't see a reply to your answer so here is one. The last Catalog of 
> Meteorites is the purplish one dated September 2000 and published by 
> Cambridge University Press. An Earlier version (Blue Book) the fourth 
> edition, edited by Andrew Graham, Alex Bevan and Robert Hutchison, was 
> published in 1985. The first edition was published in 1847 and consisted 
> of a three-page pamphlet listing the 62 Meteorites in the British 
> Museum, the natural history collection.
> It took over 4 years for the last one to come out when word got out it 
> was being made. I can't imagine the effort in editing and preparing 
> something like that for publishing and then you have to communicate with 
> the printer on the details and proof read before giving the go ahead to 
> print. If any future ones come out, will probably be on a disk but no 
> mention of that has been made.
> You can check out this web site about the Catalog of meteorites.
> All my best to you!
> http://www.nhm.ac.uk/mineralogy/grady/catalogue.htm
> --AL Mitterling
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