> For size comparison a picture of my children Michael (8)
> and Katharina (5) in front of the big Youndegin iron mass
> (910kg) in the NHM Vienna.

> www.austromet.com/collection/Kids_and_the_Youndegin_meteorite.jpg

> Also a detail of the Youndegin meteorite showing 3D Widmann,
> oops - Thomson Structures (protruding iron crystals).
> www.austromet.com/collection/Youndegin_Detail.jpg

O boy, what a meteorite !!! Jeff K. from Down Under... are you listening ?!
But what I like just as much as this magnificent piece from the core of an
asteroid, is the "family aspect" of the first JPEG. We are not only meteorite
afficionados but also fathers, mothers, and so much more. Thank you, for these
breathtaking pics, Christian !

Hey, folks, look at this gorgeous, large, oval hole in JPEG #2. This was 
one of those troilite-graphite nodules that the Mount Stirlington mass of 
is famous for. The innermost part consisted of graphite-rich material, then, 
like the
different shells of an onion, troilite-graphite mixtures followed by rims of 
site and cohenite.


Buchwald V.F. (1975) Handbook of Iron Meteorites, Vol. 3, p. 1358-1359.

Best regards,


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