The monolith makers aren't going to be happy with this:

Monday, 14 March, 2005, 13:16 GMT 
Europe tells US: 'Come to Europa'
By Jonathan Amos
BBC News science reporter

The next big cooperative European-US space mission will be to Europa, the 
ice-crusted moon of

A joint working team is being set up to consider what sort of spacecraft would 
be needed and what
each side could do. 

Officials in Washington and Paris are keen to follow up the spectacular success 
of Cassini-Huygens
at Saturn. 

"It was a beautiful marriage and we really are looking to do a repeat," said 
Professor David
Southwood, from the European Space Agency (Esa). 

Southwood told the BBC News website that "Europe could do Europa on its own", 
but that a cooperative
venture was extremely attractive. 

"It's a natural for the next big international collaboration in space" 
Prof Fred Taylor, Oxford University

Many scientists agree that Europa is now a high priority target for a major 

The moon, discovered by Galileo, is slightly smaller than the Earth's Moon. Its 
covering of white
and brownish-tinted ice is riven with cracks that are probably the result of 
stressing caused by the
contorting tidal effects of Jupiter's strong gravity. 

Researchers speculate that tidal heating may even have produced vast oceans of 
water under the ice
sheet and that this environment could harbour micro-organisms. 

Convenient time 

The Esa director of science held discussions about Europa with counterparts at 
the US space agency
(Nasa) at the end of last week. "I've definitely piqued their interest," he 

The discussions are at a very early stage - and a mission that would launch no 
earlier than 2016 is
some way off becoming a reality. 

Nevertheless, Professor Southwood said it was a good time to consider how the 
two agencies could
build on their Saturn experience, which has produced stunning images of the 
ringed planet and put a
lander on the surface of Titan. 


Orbit: 670,900km from Jupiter 
Diameter: 3,138km 
Discovered by Galileo and Marius in 1610 
Ice crust may be many tens of km deep 

The Americans had planned to go to Europa independently with their Jupiter Icy 
Moons Orbiter (Jimo).
But the ambitious project, which would have used a nuclear propulsion system, 
has been shelved as
Nasa re-focuses its budget on a White House initiative that could take humans 
back to the Moon. 
As a consequence, the European suggestion of a joint mission to Europa has been 

As with Cassini-Huygens, Southwood envisages the new mission incorporating a 

Surface imperative 

"You've got to have a relay satellite," he explained. "You go together; you fly 
out there in tandem.

"They separate after Jupiter orbit insertion and then you leave the relay 
satellite in orbit around
Jupiter, preferably in a resonance with Europa. 

"Then there's a debate about what you do at Europa. Personally, I would like 
deep-penetrating radar
[on an orbiter]. But that's because I'm a remote-sensing man. 

"I believe you get more by getting the global picture than you do by scratching 
and sniffing the

But the pressure to go down to Europa's cracked and blotchy surface would be 
immense, said Professor
John Zarnecki, the principal investigator on the surface science instruments 
loaded on to Huygens
for its Titan descent. 

"If it is technically feasible to go to the surface, you would want to do that. 
Huygens' surface
image on Titan says everything," the Open University researcher enthused. 

"But, it may be that what you want to do - to look below Europa's ice - you can 
do that better from

"The Esa-Nasa group that's going to be set up will look at just these sorts of 
technical issues,"
added Professor Zarnecki, who has been party to the initial trans-Atlantic 

Power needs 

Researchers at the German Aerospace Centre are already developing a prototype 
technology that could
be used to melt through Europa's ice sheet. Any water might be a considerable 
(and possibly
unreachable) way down - 20-30km down. 

Once under the sheet, the probe would take samples and drop mass to begin a 
slow climb back up the
ice column. On the surface, it could then send data to an orbiter or relay 
satellite for onward
transmission to Earth. 


Melting through Europa's ice

Europe already has a major mission en route to Jupiter's orbit - the Rosetta 
mission, which will
chase down a comet and put a lander on its surface. This has given Esa the 
confidence to go it alone
to Europa if the Americans decide eventually not to participate in a joint 

But a key factor is likely to be power systems. Although solar panels will work 
on spacecraft at
that distance, the desire for sufficient energy to drive many instruments means 
any mission would
really need to go with radioisotope thermal generators (RTGs) - solid state 
electrical generators
powered by the heat of radioactive decay. 

Europe has no expertise with RTGs - the Americans have, and Cassini carries 
three to provide 700
watts to its systems. 

"I'd much rather do this with RTGs," said Professor Southwood. "And that makes 
it almost certainly a
joint venture with the Americans and why should we do it separately? 

"This was waiting to happen. Someone just had to say it." 

Professor Fred Taylor, of Oxford University, UK, said the case for going to 
Europa was compelling. 

"The attraction of Europa is that it is a water world - the surface is frozen, 
of course, because of
its exposure to cold space, but not far underneath the ice is an ocean of warm 

"We have never explored such a place beyond our own Earth, and the technology 
required is not too
different from the successful US-European Cassini-Huygens mission, so it's a 
natural for the next
big international collaboration in space," commented the scientist, who worked 
on the 1990s Galileo
mission to Jupiter. 

"It will be much cheaper than Jimo, which is more of a long-term project (and 
which has not been
abandoned completely)."
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