On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 18:09:38 -0700, "Tom Knudson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Hello List, I received a neat 62g meteorite today, it is an unclassified NWA
>that has some nice crust, but it has a broken surface, I am assuming from a
>hard landing.
> The neat thing is there are a number (about 10) of exposed chondrules
>protruding from the broken surface and a few holes where chondrules have
>fallen out. Is this common to see?  Here is a few pics of the meteorite, the
>first pic shows the chondrules, might have to zoom. : )  Of course, if you
>have to have it, I am always up for a trade. : )   And if you can't see the
>pics, I can email them to you. : )

Check out this 475 gram unclasified stone.  It appears to be covered (and, I 
would assume, filled)
with large chondrules.  It had a broken, mostly flat "tip" with weathering that 
I sanded a bit, but
I don't think I managed to get through the weathered material (I don't THINK 
the matrix is that
yellow color).  This is one that I'd love to see the inside of.



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