Hi list,

I thought it might be useful for members to share their ideas on various talks or programs that we present in our communities. It might be a way to generate some ideas for those of us wanting to present something new and interesting at future programs. I thought I would list my ideas first.

An example is I just gave a talk on Lunar and Martian Meteorites and how we know they are from those parent bodies. Here are some other Programs I have given:

The History of Meteorites (How our understanding came about)
How To Identify Meteorites
Meteorites and Where They Come From (Parent Bodies)
Meteorite Types
The Mystery of Meteorites

I also thought that programs on the following might be of interest.

Meteorite Hunter Harvey Nininger
Meteorites In The Collection Of (what ever museum)
How To Hunt For Meteorites
Meteorite Talks On Certain Falls
How To Start a Collection Of Meteorites
The History of Amateurs Collecting Meteorites

I can think of a few others but want to let others chime in if they want. All my best!

--AL Mitterling
Meteorite-list mailing list

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